Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science Foundation, Inc.

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MSMS Alumni Weekend Panelist Spotlight: Nate Clay

March 20, 2019

The kickoff event for MSMS Alumni Weekend 2019 is our MSMS Alumni Panel where alumni field questions from current MSMS students about careers, college, and life. Nate Clay, Class of 2004, is one of our 2019 panelists. The Alumni Panel will speak on Friday, March 29th, at 3:00 PM in Shackelford Auditorium. Alumni are welcomed to attend.

After graduating from MSMS, Mr. Clay attended Grinell College and graduated with a BA in math and economics. He pursued a career as an actuary and risk analyst within the insurance industry. He is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst, and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.

After working for many large insurers such as Transamerica Life, Northwestern Mutal Life, and Protective Life, he now works remotely from his home in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, as Assistant Director for Actuarial Client Support for Moody’s Analytics. Moody’s is a software technology firm specializing in rick and financial modeling. He trains and supports clients and other actuaries in using the AXIS actuarial projection software.

He is a member of the MSMS Foundation Board and his interests include music performance and production, reading, and improving financial literacy in minority and underserved communities.

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